
Brian Frasier

Brian Frasier

Is a clinical hypnotherapist who knows firsthand how effective this method of treatment is.  His IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), lactose and gluten intolerance issues were easily solved through hypnotherapy even though he had suffered with them for over 18 years.

As a certified addictions counselor with over 20 years experience working in Vancouver’s downtown east side. He has worked with clients with multiple issues and is well versed in Addictions, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression and other issues that severely affect a person’s quality of life.

Brian has a gentle and quiet manner, and easily and effectively helps clients to access and resolve their core issues. Out of all the counselling methodologies he finds hypnotherapy to be the most effective for his clients.

Suzanne Darnell

Suzanne Darnell

Specializes in helping people remove their limiting beliefs and install healthier, more empowering beliefs in their place. This allows clients to take action and step into lives that they love rather than living the lives that they think they are stuck with.

Suzanne knows firsthand about creating and living a life that she loves as she successfully used Psych-K to help herself move out of a high level corporate role that she was no longer fulfilled by into a lifestyle she loves helping others to achieve their goals and overcome their obstacles.

As a Psych-K health and well being facilitator she can help you to quickly and painlessly change sub conscious beliefs that are limiting the full expression of your potential in life. Psych-K is a quick and effective way to uncover limiting belief programs that we run every day and quickly turn them into positive supporting beliefs. In essence reprogramming your subconscious mind.

Brian and Suzanne

Brian Frasier and Suzanne Darnell about us

Both have a keen interest in learning new skills, techniques and ways of looking at life. These learnings are incorporated into our treatment programs so that you are not only solving your urgent issues but also gaining knowledge and tools to help yourself lead a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life.