What is PSYCH-K?

PSYCH-K® is a user-friendly way to rewrite the programs of your mind to change what is possible in your life. It is a unique and direct way to change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits of thinking and behaving that you would like to change. It is a simple process that helps you free your mind from beliefs that limit your potential. PSYCH-K® is based on years of split brain research or Brain Dominance Theory and while it is scientifically based is characterized as a spiritual process with psychological benefits.

How can PSYCH-K help me?

Your subconscious beliefs establish the limits of what you can achieve. If your life feels like a car being driven with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake, chances are you have a conflict between your conscious goals and your subconscious beliefs. This kind of conflict can show up in your relationships, job performance, self-esteem, athletics, weight loss, prosperity, even your physical health.  PSYCH-K can also help you at work, by reducing stress, improving sales performance, enhancing your leadership ability, increasing your job satisfaction, and more.

We will uncover subconscious limiting beliefs, in essence, programs that you “run” every day. You can then quickly turn these limiting beliefs into positive beliefs with the help of the PSYCH-K® balances.

What is a PSYCH-K Balance?

A PSYCH-K Balance is a process designed to create balanced communication with both hemispheres of brain. You have heard of being left brained or right brained, but wouldn’t it be better to have your whole brain working for you? This “Whole-Brain State” is ideal for reprogramming the subconscious mind with new self-enhancing beliefs that work for you rather than against you!

Why would my subconscious mind be working against me?

Consciously you might think you can be a successful entrepreneur but maybe your subconscious doesn’t agree. Perhaps it sees being an entrepreneur as dangerous or hard because of something your parents told you over and over OR something you experienced when you were younger.

Beliefs are often the result of lifelong programming and have a strong influence on your behavior. As much of 95% of our conscious thought is actually directed by our subconscious as it is the storehouse for our beliefs, values and attitudes. It’s where we make up what life is like and then relate to it like it’s real! Often the most effective way to change a self-defeating behavior is by changing the subconscious belief that supports it.

Perhaps an example will make this clearer.

I had a lemonade stand when I was 7. I was very excited! I built the stand, bought the lemonade and sat out in front of the house to sell it. Two people bought lemonade at 10 cents a cup. I had bought the lemonade for 50 cents so I lost 30 cents plus a whole day with this venture. Not a great experience! I then started a business in my twenties but didn’t get any customers. It was the lemonade stand all over again! What do you think my subconscious mind made up about entrepreneurship? It is risky. I’m not good at it. I failed in the past and would fail again. Now at age 50 I am clear that I am smart enough and have enough knowledge to run a business but does my subconscious mind know that? It still has those old beliefs that this is risky. That I will fail. Unless I install that new belief my subconscious will fight to keep me safe by sabotaging my efforts. And the real tragedy is I’ll say it’s because I’m not good enough, smart enough, procrastinate too much, etc. And that old belief gets more evidence and the cycle continues.

There are several different PK balances. Some of the more comprehensive ones are:

Relationship Balance which addresses and transform issues that challenge two people. Rapport Balance which allows for effective communication.

Belief Point with Energy Focusing Balance

Life Bonding Balance which uses breath to transform stress associated with experience of birth and perceived fear of death.

Alternative Life Bonding Balance

Core Belief Balance

Optimal Health and Wellbeing Balance

It is also possible to do the work for someone who cannot participate directly eg) animals, someone physically incapacitated or not present or someone who is too young.