Simpson Protocol

The Simpson Protocol is a complete holistic approach to hypnosis.

Girl with eyes closed in hypnosisWithin the session(s) complete change regarding your issue, whether physical or emotional, is possible.  This protocol can be used to overcome any number of complaints.  It is especially helpful in addressing traumatic events or persistent issues that clients have not been able to shift through other types of therapy.

This method of hypnotherapy gives you the emotional and mental foundation to move forward in life. It takes into account and changes not just the ‘issue’ (complaint) but everything that surrounds and supports that complaint. Generally, any problem can be resolved within three sessions and often in one.

With the Simpson Protocol there is no need to directly discuss the issue with the hypnotherapist.

This Protocol takes the hypnotist’s judgment completely out of the process – so your mind is free to produce the best and optimum outcome. The hypnotist can create no harm, as your higher mind guides the process completely. Your higher mind, or what we call your superconscious mind, is that part of you that is connected to all wisdom and knowledge. As long as you know what the issue is that you are working to change, your mind will take care of the rest.

Brian’s own experience with this protocol was life-changing!

Brian’s persistent issues of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), gluten and lactose intolerance, which he had suffered with for over 18 years, completely disappeared after his session. This was in 2015 and the issues show no signs of returning!

Please feel free to book a 30-minute discovery call to discuss your specific situation and see if our services are a fit for you.